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Swimmer Of The Month | February (a little late, March coming soon)

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

Minnows - Hannah McLean

for increased attendance and concentration resulting in improved performance in all strokes

SD - Jess Smith

for good improvement since joining Morpeth ASC because of listening well, hard work, great effort and good attendance

C1 - Theo Heaps

for great improvement in training and applying this at the Shrimp Gala whilst having a fun attitude and a smile that makes the coaches smile

C2 - Iris Findlay

for excellent attendance every month, showing commitment and improvement resulting in attending N&D's for her first time with an impressive performance

CY - Ellie Henderson

for consistency throughout training with a great attitude and attendance

C3 - Toby Craig

for continued good attendance, improvement in all strokes at recent galas and a great desire to improve

Performance - Jack Kelso

excellent support for his teammates at N&D's and a strong performance himself

Well done everyone!

Certificates will be brought to training over the next week or so

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