We are starting the season by recognising swimmers not previously mentioned for their achievements and commitment over the summer.
Certificates will be handed out this week at training

Swimmer of the Month -July & August 22
Ellen Hunter - for great improvement because of her hard work, great attendance and following instructions.
Brooke Dodds - for showing determination and trying her hardest at club galas
Emily Potter - for fantastic improvement in recent time trials.
Sam Davies - for listening to instructions and improving stroke technique with a positive and mature attitude.
Lily Morley - for showing determination, overall improvement, excellent attendance, attitude and commitment.
Chloe Robinson - for excellent attendance, consistent effort and an outstanding personal best time in the 400m freestyle at the Gateshead and Whickham Summer Gala
Tallula Parsisson - for dedication to the club and sport by representing Morpeth ASC as a volunteer at Summer Nationals
George Tweedie - for consistent hard work and an outstanding personal best time in the 400m Individual Medley at the Gateshead and Whickham Summer Gala
Well done guys!