Wavepower, Swim England's safeguarding policy and procedures document has been updated with a number of key changes. All club members and families are encouraged to view the link here: Wavepower | Safeguarding for Swim England clubs (swimming.org)
📢⚠️ We are writing to make all club members aware that the changing room policy now prohibits all use of a mobile phone or device in a changing area during Swim England regulated activity. This includes, but is not limited to taking photos, texting, making phone calls and browsing the internet.
Our coaching team will continue to use electronic devices to take registers poolside at the start of a session but otherwise we do not expect to see devices at a session and ask all swimmers to either avoid bringing their phone or ensure it is in their bag and locker and not used at all in the changing areas.
We thank everyone for their help with this.
Kind Regards
Sarah Watson
Welfare Officer