Open to parents/swimmers in Performance/Competitive 3/Competitive Youth
With Emma Squires (Northumbria University)
On 17th March (this will be in the evening, time tbc)
Via Zoom (link to follow)
The session aims to improve knowledge of both swimmers & parents in the following areas;
Basics of why nutrition is important (fuel)
Nutrition during training weeks (e.g., before, after sessions).
Nutrition in the lead up to competitions
Nutrition at, during, and after competitions
Eating well when you're in a rush - quick easy ideas if that makes sense
Eating well at away competitions (eating out)
This first session will be over Zoom to allow more people to access it and is open to parents/swimmers in Performance/Competitive 3/Competitive Youth. Attendance is strongly recommended.
(Anyone in CY who attends will get an attendance mark if they have to miss their pool session that evening)
